The Industrial Revolution marks a major turning point in history. During the Industrial Revolution there were many major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, and technology that had an immense impact on the culture and economy of this time. One specific example that completely changed the world was the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. Before the telephone most people contacted each other through letters, which took days to weeks to reach the other person. In times of a serious emergency a letter most often did not reach the party until too late. But thanks to Bell's telephone people no longer had to spend time writing and then wait days to weeks for a response, you could just dial them up and receive a reply instantly. This really came in handy during times of distress or war when it was necessary to communicate with one's allies immediately. In short, the invented of the telephone "changed the game" entirely. And even today it's importance has not diminished and the phone is continuously being enhanced.
I would go against you to say that the importance has changed. People are addicted to their phones. It has evolved into a habitual act to have it with you at all times. I think this is a good start but it could be expanded with a further explanation of how it is evolved.