Tuesday, January 18, 2011

RR # 2

In class for our first reading response, we went over (in our groups) possible ideas that we could use in each week's reading response.

We discussed creating:
- A 3d model of a particular building mentioned in the readings.
- Creating a Word document in which we summarize the main events, people or buildings.
- Creating a hand-drawn representation of a specific object, building or place.
- Coming up with a PowerPoint, play, or video were also ideas we discussed. 

In addition, we talked about creative ways to display the written information if doing a model. Such as, a pull out door or floor displaying the information. When doing a Word document we stated that one image could be placed as a watermark and other ways to creatively place images within the page.

For the actual information we discussed what could be included, such as:
- The important facts and development.
- What is it's importance to you.
- What importance it had to the people.
- How it effects the you or the world.

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